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Galveston Bay Foundation

Jones Bay Oystercatcher Habitat Restoration & Enhancement Project


Project Location:


Jones Bay, Galveston County, TX

Latitude 29.469665°, Longitude -94.948364°


Project Partners:


Gulf Coast Bird Observatory (GCBO)

US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Coastal Program

TX Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD)

Ducks Unlimited

Village of Tiki Island

TX A&M University Galveston

University of Houston


Project Description:


The Galveston Bay Foundation (GBF) is proposing to restore up to 4 sites in Jones Bay. Each site will involve the enhancement of a remnant nesting island to provide areas of higher elevations to allow for successful nesting of oystercatcher pairs. In addition, the enhancement and/or creation of up to 1.5-acres intertidal oyster reef will be conducted adjacent to each island to provide foraging habitat for nesting oystercatchers and their young.


GBF will work closely with partners from GCBO, USFWS, TPWD, and Ducks Unlimited to ensure the proposed restoration efforts are effective and sustainable. GBF has secured funds for planning and design and much of the construction.


All necessary permits and leases via the USACE, GLO, and TPWD have been secured. Given the past success of similar rookery island projects completed by GBF, such as Dickinson Bay Island and Bay Harbor Island, as well as the ongoing relationship with the residents of Tiki Island via GBF’s Oyster Gardening Program, the Jones Bay project has been supported by the local community and did not encounter any significant obstacles in regard to permitting.


The Jones Bay project will serve as a demonstration project for future oystercatcher habitat and reef restoration efforts. In order to document the success of this project, GBF plans to work with the adjacent community of Tiki Island as well as partners from GCBO, TX A&M University Galveston, and University of Houston to conduct post-construction monitoring. The proposed monitoring will examine the utilization of the enhanced nesting islands and adjacent reefs by oystercatchers as well as the influences of the restored oyster reef on species interactions and the local food web.


Proposed Timeline:



  • Final Surveys and 100% Design

  • Bid for Construction Firm

  • Complete Construction



  • Post Construction Monitoring

Proposed Project Location
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Oystercatcher Nest
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